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When can I have reflexology?


You can have reflexology at anytime, whether you are feeling out of sorts or when you just want to relax. However, should you have flu-like symptoms I would not be able to treat you at that time as your immune system is already compromised.


Can you diagnose?


This can only be done by your GP or health professional. Additionally a reflexologist cannot prescribe or alter your medication. It is a complementary treatment that can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine and other complementary therapies.

Does reflexology cure?


Reflexology cannot claim to cure, however it is used by millions around the world and is widely recognised as a valuable personal health tool and can be used alongside conventional health care.

Does it hurt?


Everyone is different. Some individuals may feel sensitivity from their feet, others don't. Sensitive areas on the feet may indicate congestion and an area that needs to be worked. Most describe this type of sensitivity as 'good pain'. The reflexologist will adjust her pressure to your tolerance levels.

Can reflexology cause side effects?


After a session most people experience a sense of relaxation and invigoration. Some report feelings of tiredness, slight headaches, nausea and tearfulness. These symptoms are transitory and are part of the healing process. They are an indication that your body is trying to bring itself back into balance.

Can everyone enjoy reflexology?


People suffering from certain specific conditions, for example DVT, should not undergo reflexology. In some instances your doctors’ consent may be required before commencing a treatment. Do give me a call if you are unsure.

Can I have reflexology during pregnancy?


Yes. Reflexology is safe throughout pregnancy and it has many benefits. However I choose to work with clients who are 13+ weeks pregnant. There are very few contraindications although I would recommend that you avoid having a treatment if you are diagnosed with:-

Placenta previa, DVT, Pre-eclampsia, Polyhydramnios, Oligohydramnios and Placenta abruption. In some instances I may ask you to consult with your midwife or doctor before having a treatment. Please do give me a call if you are unsure.

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